Results for 06524
FuelSnap's best price for 200 gallons of heating oil near you is $3.090,
available for delivery by Fri Mar 7.
- Town: Bethany
- County: New Haven
- State: CT
- Latitude: 41.42
- Longitude: -72.99
2018 Census Data for 06524
There are roughly 2041 occupied housing units in your Zip Code,
and about 78.1% of them use
heating oil as their primary heating source. The median home value is $352,700.
We estimate homes in your zip code use a total of 1,022,105 gallons annually!
Home Heating Fuels Used in Bethany, CT 06524
When were homes constructed near you?
When did people move into their homes?
How many bedrooms do people have in their homes?
Some silly number facts
- 06524: 65 is the traditional age for retirement in the United Kingdom, Germany and other countries.
- 06524: 52 is the number of white keys (notes in the C major scale).
- 06524: 24 is the number of hours it takes for the human body to make 1 to 3 pints of saliva.
Your zip code's mirror image
The digits of your zip code backwards are 42560,
which is unfortunately not a valid US zip code.