Results for 11731
FuelSnap's best price for 200 gallons of heating oil near you is $2.639,
available for delivery by Wed Sep 18.
We have 6 local dealers to choose from in your area.
Need it sooner? The earliest available delivery date is Tue Sep 17.
- Town: East Northport
- County: Suffolk
- State: NY
- Latitude: 40.87
- Longitude: -73.32
2018 Census Data for 11731
There are roughly 10748 occupied housing units in your Zip Code,
and about 37.3% of them use
heating oil as their primary heating source. The median home value is $479,500.
We estimate homes in your zip code use a total of 2,489,095 gallons annually!
Home Heating Fuels Used in East Northport, NY 11731
When were homes constructed near you?
When did people move into their homes?
How many bedrooms do people have in their homes?
Some silly number facts
- 11731: 117 is the atomic number of a recently discovered element temporarily called ununseptium.
- 11731: 173 is the number of players that competed in badminton at the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing, China.
- 11731: 11 is the number of pounds one gallon of pure maple syrup weighs.
- 11731: 17 is the number of flames emanating from the grenade cap-badge of the Grenadier Guards.
- 11731: 73 is the single-season home run record in baseball set by Barry Bonds in 2001.
- 11731: 31 is the number of musical triads (12 major, 12 minor, 4 diminished, and 3 augmented).
Your zip code's mirror image
The digits of your zip code backwards are 13711,
which is unfortunately not a valid US zip code.